At the core of Six Sigma is the concept of continuous process improvement which can be measured in terms of higher quality products - evidenced by reduced customer service and warranty costs, elimination of waste and improved productivity through the elimination of unnecessary processes and procedures.
At the same time, Six Sigma defines Value Added Activities those items a customer is willing to pay for in the finished product. Everything else that is done in the manufacturing, storage, distribution and even sale of the product that does not add value to the product in the view of the customer can be (and should be) considered waste.
Eliminating that waste means simplifying, reducing or integrating activities to increase the value add, reduce costs and result in improved bottom line performance.
When a continuous improvement mindset is fostered and nurtured by employees at all levels, the result is a sense of ownership and accomplishment. When employees are actively engaged in identifying and eliminating unnecessary processes, workplace improvements happen faster and are more easily implemented.
See how A3's Fontana IMS automates Six Sigma process improvements from the receiving door through order fulfillment.