Is your company forced to comply with exacting pallet label printing and placement requirements like these?
Label Format:
SUPPLIER shall print 4 in. x 6 in. labels in portrait orientation. Bar code symbology used on the label shall be Codabar printed with a narrow bar of .0075 in. in width maximum. Bar coded information will be placed as specified on the label. Labels shall be printed using the direct thermal transfer process in black on a white background (no substitutes are permitted).
Label Position on Pallets:
All shipments from SUPPLIER must be on standard 48 x 48 wooden shipping pallets. No exceptions will be permitted. Shipping labels must be affixed to pallets as follows: The label shall be positioned 6 in. above the level of the floor and 2.75 in. from the right hand leading edge of the pallet; one label shall be placed in this position on each of the four sides of the pallet.
Penalty for Non-Compliance:
Failure to comply with these directions will result penalties assessed to the SUPPLIER for orders received with non-compliant labels (including positioning). XYZ Company shall determine compliance with these directives upon receipt of shipments from SUPPLIER.
How bad could the penalty be? One well-known retailer deducts 3% of the shipment’s value (not the pallet’s) from the manufacturers invoice.
That hurts!
What can you do? As they say, a picture is worth 1,000 words.
Is there a way to prove compliance with strict labeling requirements?
For information about how Fontana IMS Linked-2 can help you meet strict compliance labeling directives, call 888-461-4222, e-mail us at, or visit our website at